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Our Story

Is a small part of God's Story...

in 1995 two doctors and three helpers from Jacksonville Chapel visited Robins Bay, Jamaica to provide a free medical clinic. 

The following year, Team Healthcare was incorporated as a 501c3 and began recruiting medical teams to run free clinics once per year.

Since then, we have expanded to provide not only medical care but also vacation Bible schools and construction to Jamaica, Honduras, Peru, Brazil, Rwanda, Kenya, the Philippines and Mali.

our mission


We are committed to providing excellent & compassionate healthcare for those in greatest need.


We are committed to sharing the Good News that Jesus Christ is the Son of God & that He died on the cross for us.


We are committed to providing potentially life-changing opportunities of exposure to what God is doing around the globe.


We are committed to helping support overseas workers through construction and work teams and by shipping 40' containers.

our Board

Team Healthcare Inc. is a 501c3 incorporated in New Jersey. It is run by a volunteer board of directors who have a passion to make a difference using their gifts and talents for God's glory.

Bob Purnell

Dr. Robert Purnell is an Optometric Physician practicing in Rutherford, NJ with his son Dr. Schorn.  Dr. Purnell has been on over 30 medical mission trips with Team Healthcare, mainly to Jamaica and Africa.  The folks that he helps have nothing in this life - physically - but they have a great joy that is infectious.  Our love for them is returned to us twofold.  What a privilege to serve our loving God!

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Sandy Purnell
Assistant to the President

Sandy Purnell has served alongside of her husband for 16 years with Team Healthcare.  Her love and respect has increased for all the missionaries who serve in foreign countries.  To have the opportunity to work alongside of them is an honor.  The joy of witnessing a person seeing clearly for the first time warmed her heart.  Sandy is so thankful for the opportunities she had serving our precious Savior.

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Pat Barone

Pat Barone has had the privilege of serving on Team healthcare's Board as Secretary since 2007.  She has always had a heart for missions and being part of a Mission Board broadened her acquaintance with each trip planned by the Board and gave her the opportunity to pray for each of the teams and their mission.  Pat had the joy of participating in the Jamaica Vacation Bible School trips for nine years.

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Susan Forshay

Susan Forshay has been a Board Member and Treasurer for Team Healthcare since 2014.  She has been blessed by serving in Africa and participating in multiple Vacation Bible School mission trips in Jamaica to share the hope of Jesus Christ to children.  Although lacking in many ways materially, Susan has been touched by the close bonds these children have with their families and the warmth and the receptiveness they offer to us during our visits.

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Sangyol Kim

Sang Kim is one of Team Healthcare's founding father's since its first mission trip in 1995.  Through the years, Sang has been a loyal and dedicated Administrator coordinating all trip details to ensure smooth and safe travels for all missionaries.  Sang has attended over 79 trips to various countries including  Jamaica, Honduras, Peru, Brazil, Rwanda, Kenya and Mali, Africa.  Sang's primary objective is to be a light and encouragement for our Lord and Savior in areas of the world where people have limited or no access to the Bible.

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Soonja Kim

Soonja Kim has served along side her husband Sang as a committed trip coordinator and participant of over 75 mission trips.  While in the field, Soonja's role has been one of caregiver both physically and spiritually for each travelling missionary, teacher during Vacation Bible School, and an ambassador for Christ to the people within the communities

served .  Soonja's greatest privilege has been to witness people make the decision to accept Christ as their Savior.

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Art Kolmodin

Art Kolmodin has gone to Jamaica for 9 short term medical mission trips with Team Healthcare since 2008.  Art has experienced the needs of many Jamaican people as he participated in these trips.  Four years ago he was invited to join the Board of Team Healthcare which he gladly accepted.  It has been his privilege and honor to serve with this Godly group of people.

Don Barone

Being a part of the Team Healthcare Board has given Don a greater opportunity to see missions at work, pray for the Teams, and use his engineering skills to assist in building projects.

Schorn Purnell

Schorn Purnell has served with Team Healthcare since 1997 as an Optometric Physician.  He knew that he wanted to serve Christ from the moment he entered Optometry school.  While in school, Shorn went on a medical mission trip to Puerta Vallarta and used his eight years of Spanish to serve the needs of the less fortunate.  That experience solidified his desire to help others and try to reach many for Christ. Schorn serves with Team Healthcare because he knows that using his talents for his Saviour his most important priority, and the most effective way that he can glorify God.

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Tim Forshay

Supporting Team Healthcare primarily from behind the scenes, Tim has been blessed by witnessing the influence of mission trips through his wife and children's involvement.  Team Healthcare's mission has opened Tim's eyes to the importance of being a light for Jesus Christ in underprivileged parts of the world where there is a need to know Jesus Christ our Savior.


  • We believe in the plenary and verbal inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible as originally given, that it is the only infallible Word of God, and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

  • We believe that there is only one true God, eternally existing in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the world's only Savior, in His pre-incarnation, virgin birth, sinless life, vicarious death, burial, bodily resurrection, and personal, visible and pre-milennial return.

  • We believe in God the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of sin, regenerates, indwells, and empowers the believer.

  • We believe that all men are sinful and lost and can only be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the believer to life everlasting and the unbeliever to eternal condemnation.

  • We believe that the Church is the body of Jesus Christ, comprised of all who have accepted the redemption provided by Him and for which He will return.


2023 Audit 

2023 Form 990

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